Beginner's Guide
We strive to make ivySCI's user experience as seamless as possible, eliminating the need for users to learn specialized literature management knowledge, like with Endnote, which might even require a dedicated course.
However, even after years of effort, we realize that we still have a long way to go to achieve this goal. Therefore, we've created this Beginner's Guide to help you get started quickly.
We hope that after reading this guide, you can immediately embark on your research journey.
Differences from Other Literature Management Software
- You probably don't need to learn how to use like Endnote or Zotero.
Don't worry about learning everything at once. Just download the software and start writing. You can explore the more advanced features as you go.
- ivySCI's Philosophy
Our philosophy is to maximize the time spent reading and digesting literature, rather than learning how to manage it. You don't need to master a bunch of skills like a bibliographer or literature management expert.
You just need to find your literature, start reading, and record your thoughts.
- Cloud Synchronization
You can download the Mobile/Tablet client, and computer client. Using the same account, all your data is synchronized. You can read on your phone, manage and write on your computer – it's all possible.
Don't waste time trying to do everything on a small phone screen; use the right device for the right task.
Writing Plugin
You need to install a Word or WPS plugin. Follow the three steps on the addon page to install it in your Word.
Citing literature requires some specialized knowledge. For example, you need to understand that journals, dissertations, conferences, monographs (books), and web pages may have different presentation formats depending on the citation style.
You can visit our Citation Format page to learn these basics.
Regarding the plugin's basic rules, you should be good to go after watching our beginner video.
Help and Support
- 24-hour AI Support
Generally, if you encounter any problems, you can press Ctrl H in the desktop software to seek immediate AI help. The AI's knowledge base is derived from our help documentation, so it basically covers all the questions and can help you quickly retrieve information.
- Help Documentation
You can visit to access our help documentation. You can search for the information you need in the upper right corner. Generally, the FAQ is your entry point. Read it carefully, as it can solve most problems.
- Human Customer Service
You can ask questions and get human support on our feedback page. However, human support usually has a delay, so please allow for a reasonable waiting time. If you have a special emergency, such as data loss or account loss, you can get our customer support contact information from the AI. But human customer service is limited, so be sure to search our help documentation before asking.
- Read the Research Guide
We strongly recommend that you read our Research Guide. Reading through our guide may save you a lot of detours in your research. But the guide is mainly in Chinese, though. We're working on translating it into English.
Finally, we wish you good luck.